Demo 1 is out!

The demo is finally out!

As said on the previous devlog the demo has two major parts of the game, combat and the hacking mechanic, these are the two parts I was focused on the most.

The combat is turn-based and the enemy will attack on sight, so far you can only equip a weapon and wear armor, soon you will be able to upgrade armor and weapons but that is still being worked on.

You can also hack into technology using your trusty laptop, hacking will be based on the computers operating system but only one has been added so far, Demo 2 will be adding some finishing touches like adding in descriptions and finishing some of the mechanics, and if time allows I may change something around.

That's it for Demo 1, let me know what you think, the feedback will be helpful!


Corrupted - Demo Version 739 kB
Feb 27, 2021

Get Corrupted

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